Saturday 29 March 2014

On Anonymous Commentators

I have put the note on the side for over two years on not accepting anonymous comments. Most are derogatory, rude, and even hateful. In fact, most hateful comments, which are not posted, are from Anon...

If a person wants to make a real comment which adds to the discussion, that person must use a name. I am beginning to think at least one "Anonymous" is the same cowardly person who makes horrible personal comments. Same spelling errors....

If a commentator wants to be part of any discussion, please get a name, reader.

As to some of the valid comments under Anonymous, no more...shall I post these, as the same rule applied to all.

A few notes, however, bearing on comments by Anons.

One, read carefully. If I write "too many" of the laity only want to do clerical things, like being Eucharistic Minister, I am not saying "all" should not do so. Priests in many areas cannot get to hospitals for Communion, for example, and a duly trained, duly appointed lay person may be able to do this, if there are no clerics available, such as deacons. Some of my readers do not read carefully, which is a sign of the times. If a lay person is only doing clerical jobs, he is not living up to his baptismal promises.

I do not see clerical positions in this command given to all those who witnessed the Ascension.

Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19 DR

Two, read my previous posts and ones recently re-posted or referred to on certain non-medically approved practices. Read, again, carefully. I ask again one question. Would you trust someone whose method is based on ideas gotten in a seance?

Three, compliance to Fatima is not our business, but the Pope's business. Someone compared the lay involvement to that to St. Catherine of Siena talking the Pope into returning to Rome.

When someone is a saint the caliber of Catherine, one can do such things. Sorry, MYOB, and do what the laity are called to do. We have not been instructed by Mary to do what she told the three saints at Fatima to do.  And, if you read Lucia's letters, you may change your mind. End of discussion.

Four, if the laity are not doing the job we are all called to do, the Church is weakened and will not grow. The New Evangelization is "our" call, to bring back those who have left and to evangelize in the workplace.

Five, if you add your name to the end of something labelled Anonymous, I cannot see it until after publication. The Anonymous category is what I shall go by in the future, and not hope for a name at the end. Please follow directions as to how to set up a blog name. Thanks.