Sunday 30 March 2014

On Asthma

Only twice in my long life have I had such a horrible time with asthma.

The first time I "got" asthma was in 2010, living in Missouri. That bout lasted from January to March first.

The second horrible bout has come this year, from January, up to and including, this very day.

I have no idea what triggers this asthma. All I know is that I am severely impacted by certain conditions in rural Missouri and Iowa. What these triggers are, I do not know.

I have never had asthma in Ireland, Great Britain, or Malta. Go figure.

One of my nurse friends tells me that the sea water is good for people with lung and bronchial problems.

Could be. But, God in His Wisdom has me plunked down in rural Iowa, surrounded by fields and in sight of a misty river.

Hmmm. Perhaps, someday, I may be able to afford allergy tests, but not this day.

I pray for all those who have asthma and allergies. I ask God to have mercy on us all and heal us.

One of the worst aspects of this disease is sleep deprivation. One cannot sleep when one is coughing or wheezing.

I have some friends with asthma and today, I think and pray for you. Please pray for me.

I would much rather be by that sea and salt air.