Tuesday 22 April 2014

On Light and Darkness

Sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees, as some say here.

Sometimes, the people in our lives who bring us the most sadness and grief are those who are actually angels of light brought into our lives to heal us and bring us to holiness.

Years ago, I knew a lovely family of three children and a mom and dad.

The oldest child was born with disability and quickly developed muscular dystrophy. He ended up needing a wheelchair for his entire life. He died at a young age.

His siblings were born after him, a testimony to the faith of the parents. But, what was so amazing to us who knew this family was the love and light this boy brought into that group.

His siblings adored him. His parents became saints because of him. He was kind, good, happy, and loving. He never complained in his entire life.

His life was pure gift. And, the very person who brought grief and sadness at first was the child who brought the entire family back to the Catholic Church, as the parents had fallen away.

We do not understand the ways of God. We cannot see how one person, even disabled, can be the angel of light to bring grace into a family.

Light and darkness exist side by side in our worlds. We can look at something or someone who seems in darkness, but in reality is in light and brings light.

We can think someone is living in light and, in reality, that person lives in the prison of a darkness.

Those who have the eyes of faith can see the light. Those who do not can only see the broken body of a young child.

Do not pass up the people who have light to bring into your world.

Do not think the sadness of disability could not possibly be the way of healing and holiness for an entire family.

God is bigger than we know and the plan of God is more mysterious than we know.