Saturday 5 April 2014

Prayers for you and for me....

I have been praying to be healed of asthma. This has been the hardest year of my life regarding this illness, as I am temporarily living in an area where I have strong allergies to something-either ADM or pesticides on the fields or whatever. Scented candles set this off, as does cold air and most likely pollution, even agricultural pollution.

I join in prayer with all who experience asthma. This illness may not be known to some readers, but sleep deprivation, (why I am blogging at 2:30 am), is one side-effect of not being able to breath properly. One can only take so many doses of medication per day.

Sigh....need a little cabin on an island somewhere near the salt air.....

May St. Joseph heal me and all my readers who suffer from asthma.

God bless you. A friend of mine is praying to St. Bernadette for me. This blessed woman, who saw the Virgin Mary, suffered from asthma.

May our prayers be answered.