Monday 28 April 2014

The Death of Christendom Is Obvious

Recently, I had to turn down several set of courses I would have offered through groups in Europe who were not able to hire me because of EU restrictions. These included marriage and family courses on virtue training, the lives of the saints in a particular country, homeschooling techniques, and others topics. These groups varied from private lay groups, to diocesan groups and institutional centers. Schools are under the same bind across the EU and some are lacking in people with an Catholic ethos and training as the governments do not look at character or quality, but only pieces of paper.

These groups could not get approval as I am not an EU resident.

So, if a Catholic school wants to hire someone who would not fornicate or be gay, or who absolutely is orthodox regarding Catholic teaching, they do not have the freedom to hire someone from the States who fits their criteria for being Catholic, when they can find no one like that in their areas. Certifications trump personal holiness and conformity with the Church.

This is part of the new tyranny of the EU.

The restrictions are this. If these groups can find someone in the country who has the degrees and ability to speak on my topics, they must "hire" them first.

Unless I set up my self as a media "expert" and have my own company, I can no longer go to another country and present Catholic teaching. I assume Michael Voris can do this as he has a company.

It is interesting that schools, groups, retreat houses, and diocesan centers of learning can no longer hire people from the States, if they have others in the country which seem to have the same abilities.

This is obviously an attack on the freedom of the Catholic Church, which is an international institution, to move people from country to country for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of God.

Of course, I do not have the monies needed to set up a company. In 1984, a mere thirty years ago, could one have imagined the restrictions the EU would be putting on the movement of Catholics?

The same is happening regarding men who are priests. Two Carmelites told me they can no longer visit the main mother house of their own order for more than two months at a time because of EU  restrictions. They are African.

Another person in a diocesan office of an EU country shared with me that unless a young man already is a resident, a citizen or has immediate family in an EU country, that man cannot come to the EU for seminary studies and work as a priest in the EU anymore.

If there are any immigration lawyers who read this blog, I would like further explanations on these points.I would also like to hear from others who have similar experiences.

Europe needs lay missionaries.

This seems to me to be out out attacks on the international, universal Catholic Church which transcends boundaries.