Wednesday 9 April 2014

The month of five planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Saturn are visible this month.

Last night I saw Mars and this morning, before dawn, a bright Venus in the eastern sky.

I find this first site the easiest to navigate for sky charts. If your skies are clear, take advantage of the celestial show.

In addition, the meteor shower of the Lyrids starts about April 21 for our viewing. The last time I saw this was in Kent in 2012 and the shower was spectacular. One may have to stand outside in the cold, however.

Here is the chart for the meteor showers.

And here is information on Venus, which I saw in brilliance in the summer of 2012 in London and am now seeing in the east in Iowa, rising about two hours before dawn.

One has to be up earlier to see Venus at "her" best.

Here is yet one more great site for info.