Thursday 17 April 2014

Weeping Over Jersusalem

It is time to mourn. But, many are not doing so. Too many Catholics are still hiding their heads in the sand. There will be famine, pestilence, and other disasters for one reason.

God will not be mocked. The nation of the United States more and more is a nation of mockery. One only has to look at the media, entertainment, even old and venerable newspapers. Schools will mock God in the Common Core. Children will turn against their parents, being brainwashed in a philosophy of cynicism and mockery unknown to their elders.

So, what are you doing about this mockery? Are you praying, doing penance?

If you are not joining Christ in weeping over Jerusalem, the capital of your nation, you have missed the point.
Too many people have distanced themselves from reality. Reality is shunned as too hard, too difficult. The race into pleasure is a race away from reality.

When I was in high school, there was a popular phrase created by a popular boy, who is now a priest. His phrase, "Be real and face the situation" became the rallying cry of those of us who did not fall into hippiedom.

Christ wept over Jerusalem. He was facing the reality of those of His own tribe, His own people, turning against Him.

A tragedy beyond words is this turning away from Christ, from God. This turning away is not facing reality.