Saturday 19 April 2014

Wrapping up the comments from Benedict's Little Book

This past week, I have been sharing thoughts from the Pope Emeritus' 1989 book, The Yes of Jesus Christ. I shall end this little series with three comments from Benedict.

The first refers to what he calls the "down payment of trust". When we do not understand the suffering or shape of our lives, we are asked to trust in God, as if this trust was a down payment on an investment. We cannot understand or see the plan of God, but we can trust. This trust opens the door to faith, hope, and love.

Benedict notes that the saints, canonized or not, had this type of trust, even in darkness.

This idea resonates with me, especially today, when I cannot see God's Plan for me at all in the midst of consistent suffering and upheaval. But, I am peaceful and rest in trust.

The second point ties into my long series on the formation of children. Benedict states this: " is important throughout one's life and from one's youth onwards to learn and to practice thinking with God, feeling with God, willing with God, so that love may grow from this and become the keynote of our life."

The earlier one learns to be with and in God, the better. And, children can be saints.

The third point, and this journey through the book is by no means comprehensive, involves the Rule of St. Benedict: "Let nothing be put before the work of God". This means, as the Pope Emeritus writes, that all else in life is subordinate to the search for God, or should be.  Benedict emphasizes that we must "hasten" towards God.

Amen, to all of that.

I sincerely hope you can read the entire book.

God bless your Holy Saturday.