Monday 12 May 2014

Code-Breakers Three

I have met holy people. These Catholics are all extremely interesting people. Saints are not boring. Serious sinners are boring. Those who commit sexual sins or get drunk (which is a mortal sin) over and over, become boring people.

This does not mean that we ignore those in pain or that we do not love them. But, we do not have to admit that their lives are interesting. We do have to help them out of sin as much as we can in our immediate families.

However, one must pray and not charge in like a bull in a china shop. 

Those who are called to be the breakers of the line of sin in their families may have to stand up to serious sins which have plagued those families. Science wants us to say that the proclivity for alcoholism, for example, is inherited. What it inherited is the proclivity to a certain sin in families.

Once a person honestly sits down and looks at the sins in the family, can one realistically take these to prayer, in Adoration and through having Masses said for that intention.

Sometimes code-breakers go so far as to offer their lives in order to break the code. Michael Voris' mom did that, as well as the woman I have written about twice on this blog, who gave her life for her husband's conversion.

Not many code-breakers would be called to this type of sacrifice, but other sacrifices can be made.

I have given up chocolate, desserts and beer for the rest of my life for three people in my family caught in the code of sin. 

God will show you how to do this, and the link I put on the second part of this blog could be a way for some  code-breakers to engage in the breaking of the code.

To break the code, one must deal with the same sins in one's self. One is not free to deal with the forces of sin without being strictly on the road to perfection.

More later.