Friday 16 May 2014

Cynicism in The Young

Can there really be people who do not believe in love?

I have met several on this blog, commentators who doubt that God is Love to the point where they insult Love.

I do not post their comments. They rage against love. They cannot believe that anyone can truly love another.

More and more, I am grieved by those who are young who have no concept of the Sacrificial Love of Christ on the Cross. These Millennials have become cynical for one reason.

They have grown up without love. 

Love is not things, like computers, one's own room, a car, cell phone or money. Love is not unlimited liberty.

Part of the problem is that too many young people are growing up in homes where they are either the only child or one of two. These young people never had to share space, or wait for the use of the shower, or wear hand-me-down clothes. They have had everything they have desired, and grown up in families where their parents did not deny themselves things, either. These young people have never had to wait or work for something, but just got it. They have an expectation, a consumerism, and the need to never be denied anything they want "right now".

Sacrificial love is learned by denying one's self, one's needs, one's comforts. Those who have never denied themselves anything cannot understand sacrificial love.

The cynic cannot trust. The cynic no longer cares about others. The cynic cannot do anything, as she is denying herself the power of love.

Where do we start evangelizing those who do not know real love, or those who are cynical?

Where do we start but in prayer?