Wednesday 7 May 2014

On Pope Paul VI Being Beatified


I learned this on Father Ray Blake's blog today. For me, the most important encyclical of the last century was and is Humanae Vitae. 

Paul VI proved not only to be a very brave man by promulgating the truths of the Catholic Church regarding bearing children, but he also prophesied clearly the explosion of sexual sins which would follow the separation of marriage and bearing of children.

He prophesied all the perversions of sexual behavior in that one infallible document. He published this against great pressure not to do so.

Too bad the Church in Great Britain never took Humanae Vitae seriously and allowed the teaching of contraception, which is against not only the Teaching Magisterium of the Church, but also natural law.

Yes, honor Paul VI by calling him blessed.

We need his intercession now more than ever.

A snippet from that great document---

Promotion of Chastity
22. We take this opportunity to address those who are engaged in education and all those whose right and duty it is to provide for the common good of human society. We would call their attention to the need to create an atmosphere favorable to the growth of chastity so that true liberty may prevail over license and the norms of the moral law may be fully safeguarded.
Everything therefore in the modern means of social communication which arouses men's baser passions and encourages low moral standards, as well as every obscenity in the written word and every form of indecency on the stage and screen, should be condemned publicly and unanimously by all those who have at heart the advance of civilization and the safeguarding of the outstanding values of the human spirit. It is quite absurd to defend this kind of depravity in the name of art or culture (25) or by pleading the liberty which may be allowed in this field by the public authorities.
Appeal to Public Authorities

23. And now We wish to speak to rulers of nations. To you most of all is committed the responsibility of safeguarding the common good. You can contribute so much to the preservation of morals. We beg of you, never allow the morals of your peoples to be undermined. The family is the primary unit in the state; do not tolerate any legislation which would introduce into the family those practices which are opposed to the natural law of God. For there are other ways by which a government can and should solve the population problem—that is to say by enacting laws which will assist families and by educating the people wisely so that the moral law and the freedom of the citizens are both safeguarded.