Wednesday 21 May 2014

Repost R U Ready?

Psychological Warfare Against Nazi Germany: The Sykewar Campaign, D-Day to VE-DayISBN 0-262-12045-3 or 0-262-62019-7 (1949). George W. Stewart, New York; Reprinted (1971) MIT Press.

Daniel Lerner in his book above, divides pychological warfare in to three categories. Lerner also wrote, 

Propaganda Technique In World War I (M.I.T. studies in comparative politics) which I have not read. There are many other authors on psychological warfare.

Yesterday, and today, we as Catholics are witnessing all three.

We need to get mentally tough.

The first type of psychological warfare is called White and involves omission in truth as well as emphases which are made on purpose to deceive, but the content is not wrong or deceitful. The source of information is acknowledged but may not, as I understand this category, cover all possibilities. Selection is the key. Did you not see this yesterday on line and in the main line media?[

The second category is Grey  which includes the above with racial, ethnic and what Lerner calls religios bias. This is the most common thing we see and we call it spin. Sadly, the sources are not identified at this point, but there is a lot of truth in the statements or propaganda.

The third category is labelled Black  and this has become so common, most readers or listeners no longer recognize the danger. All is lies, deceits, purposely written or said-the sins of Commission. And, the sources given are not the true sources. 


The trouble is that most Catholics are not prepared for this type of PSYOP. 

Catholics, you must learn to think, eat, walk, pray, react like Catholics. NOW.

See the tag for many posts on this....