Tuesday 6 May 2014

Several significant posts today

Please take time and read these. Time is short. The Time of Mercy is coming to an end soon, within my lifetime and I am older than most of my readers, or at least 50%. If you are a Gen-Exer or a Millennial and you are not preparing for international persecution of yourselves and your children, simply for being Catholic, you are stuck in a false sense of security. The old organizations in the Church either must begin talking about these times, or these organizations are either useless or worse, in collusion with those who want to spread apathy and deceit.

Ask yourselves if you are discerning, and if not, why not? See this post


The Holocaust took a very short time to organize. Again, I suggest watching this movie, which you can find here. If you do not believe there is anyone in hell, watch this movie.