Sunday 25 May 2014

Tribal Politics And Thoughts on The End of Democracy

One of the most unfortunate trends in politics, both in America, and in Europe, is the growth of "tribal politics," a term used in the UK and in America to describe voters and leaders of voters who represent ethnic or group priorities.

This term is, sometimes, is use to describe pro-life groups in America, which effect change through voting, unlike the pro-life movement in GB, which is so fragmented, there are never any politicians put forward in the elections which one can state are truly pro-life.

Brits vote, like so many Americans, in knee-jerk fashion, with old party loyalties, which do not reflect the reality of the parties in 2014.

So, millions of Catholics, because of their ancestors proclivity to vote Dem, voted in the most anti-life, pro-gay, anti-Christian president America has ever seen. Dem first, Catholic second is their motto.

Tribal politics, sadly, vote for faces. The leader of the tribe is the one who wins the election. Again, this is connected to the cult of personality. For tribal politics to work, people must put their trust in a person and not a party.

Sadly, when voters do not use their right and privilege to vote, tribal politics rule the day, as the tribe is usually organized.

Tribal politics tears apart a cohesive party, but also reveals the end of democracy in many Western nations.


Because consensus is necessary for democracy to work. But, once a nation has lost its identity, consensus dies in a death brought about by tribal politics.

The problem now in the States, and in England, is that the Christian basis for political parties has completely disappeared. There are no parties which represent Christian morality and goals. Christianity is now completely marginalized in GB and will become so in the States quickly.

The reason is simple. The main tribe is no longer Christian. There are no Christian leaders of any of the various tribes. Some may say they are Christian, but they consistently hold ideals which are anti-Christian.

Democracy has been severed, on purpose, for many reasons, from Christianity, especially in GB. Therefore, tribal interests will rule the day, not Christian principles.

In this post-Christian era, Christian moral ideals, culture, and way of thinking have been marginalized.

I do not think that there is any turning back. We are headed, especially in the EU and in America, for the systematized persecution of the now shrinking Christian tribe.

And, may I add, that as only 35% of Londoners voted yesterday, one can say that democracy is dying a quick death as well.

de Tocqueville prophesied all of this, did he not?