Monday 5 May 2014

What part of this do people not understand? You are the primary teachers of your children.

More and more, I am understanding the fantastic Catholic education I received from 1956-1971. I keep hoping that parents in this generation realize that teachers AID parents in education and are not substitute parents. One of the evils of communism and other isms can be demonstrated in the undermining of the authority of the parents with regard to schools, such as the obsession with pre-school as a requirement or not allowing volunteer parents into the schools.

Thankfully, homeschooling parents have made great progress in the States with regard to rights, based primarily on the excellent returns and test results of the vast majority of homeschoolers. College professors have shared with me that not only can such students write well and think well, but they have better study habits than there counterparts from state schools.

When teachers and school systems take authority away from children, one should be more than concerned.

One should be alarmed.

My teachers cooperated with parents and parents were involved in the schools almost on a daily basis.

At that time, parents did not have to take the courses or keep up with the monthly questions relating to all the "safe children" programs instituted by the USCCB. Again, voluteerism is at an all-time low because of these courses, which can be intrusive and are, for the most part, window-dressing. While over 20 priests in this diocese have been accused as sexual predators since the 1940s, only two lay people have been.

Parents who hand their children over to either the Catholic school systems or the state systems without being involved may be not only cooperating with evil, but causing their children's souls to be damned.

Think about this. Padre Pio refused to hear the confession of a woman who had not repented of sins. He yelled across a room that she had not repented and because of her, her son was in hell.

Strong words for a parent, but we are responsible for raising our children to be saints and throwing them into positively evil school situations, or compromising ones cannot be an option.

See my posts on the evils of the Common Core by following the tag.