Thursday 8 May 2014

What We Have Lost

All my posts on community and podding seem to have fallen on deaf ears. Some people have written to me that they cannot find others in their area who want community. Some women have written to me that they want community, but their husbands do not.

I think the problem is simply this. It is much harder to resurrect a cultural identity which has been lost than to create one from a rush of zeal and good will.

Sadly, Catholics seem to be living either in a denial of the times to come, or in fear of losing the little they do have.

I encourage all again to read my many posts on community and to pray that God show you what to do before it is too late.

"Too late" would look like this:

1) Financial ruin and a depression which would interfere with movement of people.

2) Restrictions, such as curfews or martial law because of looting or even false security problems.

3) The lack of communication, caused by the restrictions of tweets, cell phones or other means of communication.

4) Pressures not to be openly Christian, but to hide one's Faith.

5) A false optimism that as things fall apart, "things will just get better."

Perhaps it is good that I grew up with stories in my family of the Austrian-Hungarian wars which caused such upheavals among people.

Displacement can happen naturally or by force.

Please consider these things.