Wednesday 4 June 2014

Because of some good trads...who have responded to me on this subject

I am repeating some information from Fr. Chad Ripperger as well as another exorcist I have known personally for 45 years. Why do so many Catholics lack discernment? What is blocking their discernment?

Firstly, D and D is a door to possession and leads to obsession. I put one article on my blog in which an exorcist refers to this in May.

Secondly, Harry Potter is a door and more than that. Here is a paraphrase of a section from a talk by Fr. Ripperger. (And I had first-hand experience of the last point years ago.)

... J. K Rowling went to witch school.  Five demons said in an exorcism that they inspired her to write the books. All the spells are real and up to 60% of the characters are names of demons according to some exorcists.

Thirdly, those who use these games and read such books or see the movies frequently react in vehemence against the suggestion these things are bad. Why the strong reaction? Why the defensiveness?

Fourthly, try getting someone to stop reading or playing the games. See what happens.

Fifthly, listen to the talks I placed on the blog earlier today.