Tuesday 3 June 2014

"Bogged Down and Boxed In"

Wow! A highly intelligent woman told me today that she was boxed in concerning her Catholic ministry which has been highly public and good.

Her complaint resonated in me as I have felt "boxed in" since I landed in Chicago months ago.

What is going on?

I know the answer, as another spiritual friend has said this yesterday-Evil is bogging down Catholics.

God has allowed evil to spread over the world and some of us are being physically and spiritually held back from doing the work of God.


Satan knows his days are numbered. One reason I am writing this mini-series on Manning is to remind us all that the Holy Ghost is in the Church and in us, especially with those who are in sanctifying grace from baptism and those trying to do the Will of God.

This is the beginning of tribulation. If you cannot see it, you are not part of the Church Militant but the Church Mushy.

Tribulation has begun, and like the tentacles of an octopus, has different strangleholds on Catholics who are both trying to become holy and trying to work with the mind of Christ.

These tentacles surround so many good  people and good ministries that one priest said to me that it is as if we had two churches right now. What he meant was that there are those who are working with God and those who are working for themselves, against God IN the Church.

Less and less will get done, folks. I warned you to form community for a long time. The time is coming very soon when you will not be able to do so.

Soon, very soon.

If you are feeling bogged down, pray. Join the Auxilium Christianorum and the Third Order of the Most Sorrowful Mother. 

We need more prayers warriors. We are trying to come against the bogs and boxes.
