Wednesday 4 June 2014

OK- Mundane Question for My Readers

I have tee-shirts, mostly Laura Ashley, which I have collected on sale for a cheaply as 3 dollars in clearance sales. I have had tee-shirts from Malta, made in Italy.

Recently, several of these have shrunk, after being washed in cold water and hung to dry.

Any suggestions? Some were white things I bought for the convent. Shrinkage, in the arms and length and elsewhere.

And I have recently lost ten and half this is real shrinking of cloths not merely perceived.

I am not wealthy enough to buy clothes every year and find that the things purchased in the past three years have tended to shrink quickly, but, oddly, not on the first wash.

Some articles blame GM cotton-and some how the cotton is woven!

Suggestions or insights are welcomed. I hate wearing things which are too tight.