Thursday 26 June 2014

On Confusion Again

Confusion comes from evil, period. I see more and more confusion among people in the States regarding even common things. We have come from being a nation of pioneers, and independent workers, who knew how to do things, to a people who rely on others for so-called truth.

There is a mental laziness among many, which means that people do not compare news sources, do not find out information for themselves, do not do research before buying things, accept what governments tell them about education, and even believe falsified polls.

How did this happen? One reason why people are mentally lazy is that they do not pray. They do not take time daily to reflect. Their lives are full of addictions, to food, drink, entertainment.

When I was a teen, we went out once a week on a Friday with my friends. Now, young people and old people seek entertainment daily. I am amazed at how much people seek out entertainment. It is mind-numbing.

I have written on the evils of American entertainment before, but British entertainment is, if anything, worse. More of the capital sins are shown as ok on British sitcoms than one would hope to see.

But, the confusion is absolutely caused by the bombardment of the imagination by outside stimuli. Remember, everything you see and hear and touch goes into your imagination forever, unless you beg God to cleanse you of memory. See my other posts on this theme.

Confusion is caused by satan. He wants our minds to be scrambled by trivia, by nonsense. He does not want us to think on the last four things, or on our eternal destiny, so he feeds the imaginations of the world with useless information and entertainment.

I am very concerned, as this phenomenon is more than material; it is psychological and it is spiritual. When a people no longer reflect, they become stressed, and when stressed, people make wrong, even evil decisions.