Monday 23 June 2014

On Rainbows

What is it in a rainbow which brings joy?

Why do we stop and watch the colors grow in brightness, then fade?

I have seen more rainbows in the past four months than I have in years. All have been glorious and one I saw to the very ground, as if it was burrowing into the hard soil of Iowa.

Tonight, just before dusk, I saw the second one in three weeks; both were full, with a faint double on either end.

These rainbows were in the East, as the sun set in the West. It was as if God was encouraging me to look East, as I always do in my heart.  This evening, my heart grew wings and flew between the bow and earth, to the East, with prayers and thanksgiving for God’s love and His Providence. The two greatest human loves I have in that heart with wings are in the East.

This ancient sign of promise continues to thrill those who have the eyes of children, the eyes of simple gifts, today, as in the days long ago, when God renewed His covenant with men.

May God continue to send us the sign of His favor and love. May we continue to rejoice in the sight of a rainbow.