Friday 13 June 2014

Perfection Series II: St. Angela Part Eight

St. Angela of Foligno writes of the third level of the poverty of Christ. This is the poverty in which Christ chose to become impotent in the world, setting aside His Omnipotence as God.

As she notes, St. Angela explains how Christ empowered men to have power over Him. This fact marks Christ as the Man of Humility, reminding one of the beautiful icons of the Great Humility, one shown here.

He gave the power to judge, accuse, revile, and insult Him to those men around Him. He gave power to those who hated goodness to beat, mock and kill Him.

This poverty provides an example for those Catholics who are facing real persecution. God will allow persecution for three reasons: one, to show the glory of His martyrs; two, to bring many to Him; and three, for punishment of those who hate Him.

Christ teaches us patience in tribulation and hard times. Yesterday, I failed in this matter once, a clear sign of how far I am from holiness. I was angry with someone who revealed hatred for me. I told this person he was rude for criticizing me for being ill with asthma and coughing in front of him. He did not want me to cough. But, I did not pass the test of love.

Anger is not the proper response, but patience, objectivity, and love for those who hate us. I know God will give me more chances to pass the test of love.

I do not share this to show the response of the other person, but to show how we each are to respond in love. Some of my dear readers already react to hatred with love. But, for those of us who are still not quite there, I encourage us all.  And, one cannot be upset with one’s self for failures to love. Without God’s grace, one is weak and chooses to sin.

Simple lesson-not to be upset with either one’s self or others in the face of sin, although one can feel sorrow and confess, one should not be so proud as to not accept one’s own sinfulness.

Anger may be a natural response to hatred but this is not the response of Christ, my model in all things.

Americans cannot endure shame, which is one reason so many immigrated to this fair country. The pride which makes men think they have gained all prosperity and goodness by themselves distorts Christianity in America. Pride, as one spiritual writer notes, causes men and women to have sterile lives,

The last point covered here today from St. Angela regarding the poverty of Christ is that He allowed Satan to have power over Him.

Angela states this: “…He did give the devil power over Him that He might be tempted and led into danger, and persecuted even unto death, in order that He might thereby liberate man from the devil’s power.”

We can liberate ourselves, through grace, and liberate others, (see my Code Breakers series), by accepting suffering and becoming humble.           

Without grace and the acceptance of grace, one finally realizes one is nothing and can do nothing without God.

Any other choices will keep us imprisoned in our own egotism and self-will.

To be continued…