Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Second Book of Manning

I am now beginning The Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost, by Henry Cardinal Manning and I am thrilled to be holding an 1878 copy of the book.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was, for a short time, at the old house of the Oblates of St. Charles and, therefore, feel a connection with the Cardinal.

Some ideas directly from him for starters: "The presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church is the source of its infallibility; the presence of the Holy Ghost in the soul is the source of its sanctification. The two operations of the same Spirit are in perfect harmony."

How simple and how beautiful is this explanation of the working of the Spirit in each soul in the Church.

And, as I have been writing for years on this blog, but let Manning, the authority state it,. "The test of the spiritual man is his conformity to the mind o the Church. Sentire cum Ecclesia, in dogma, discipline, traditions, devotions, customs, opinions, sympathies, is the counter-sign that the work in our hearts is not from the diabolical spirit, nor from the human, but from the Divine."

Good stuff for contemplation...more later today.