Wednesday 18 June 2014

The Witness of Love-St. Therese

Some Catholics want to stand on soap boxes and cry out, "All religions are the same. The Church is accommodating. Do not worry about salvation."

Some want to shout from the rooftops, "Woe are you, as most of the world's population will go to hell."

I want to share with everyone the love of God. I remind my readers what I wrote almost two-and-a-half years ago, the love of God is much of the time "unfelt love".

St. Therese of Lisieux coined that phrase. Unfelt love is complete trust in God and His Providence.

How can we not trust Him Who has loved us into existence? The Father thought of us from all time, and the Son could hardly wait to free us from sin and death. The Holy Spirit comes to us in the sacraments.

Much for which to be grateful and much to share...

Unfelt love-our way to perfection and union with God forever.