Saturday 26 July 2014

"A Quiet Mind"

A friend of mine and I were discussing home schooling children today and why so many vocations come out of such a relatively small group of youth.

She correctly pointed out that home schooling children and teens have, each, "a quiet mind". Their minds have remained much more pure than those of children in the schools. They have learned how to work diligently, be self-motivated, and pray. They have learned the value of work and the value of reflection.

It is so sad to state that the vast majority of Catholic schools do not train a child to have a "quiet mind". Reading about the conversions experiences of such people and saints, as Cardinal Newman, Cardinal Manning and others, I realized that they had the ability not only to study and pray, but to reflect in the quietness of their minds.

I have written many times on this blog of St. Catherine of Siena's idea that we must all create a cell in our minds to which we can go to pray and reflect.

If you are not doing this, you will miss the Voice of God, Who does not shout.

If you are not doing this, you are not passing the real Faith to your children, which is the ability to pray, study, reflect.

God will punish parents for not training their children to have "a quiet mind" based on purity and serenity.

But, parents cannot give their children what they do not have. The adult must come into the realization that the vast majority of things which impede scheduling and reflection, prayer and fasting, must be sought and worked for daily.

Cooperating with grace is hard work.