Monday 28 July 2014

All The Canonized Saints Died, Well Almost

One of the biggest problems with people in the West is the ignoring of the inevitability of death. When I grew up, children were taken to funeral parlors, to wakes, to funerals. In my mother's childhood days, wakes took place in the home. She remembers her grandfather laid out in his home and people coming to pay their respects.

Fear was not an issue. Now, especially Americans, do not want to think about death at all. The television is full of really intrusive advertisements on every type of medication, some with long testimonies from people who had cancer and so on. This preoccupation with medicine and treatments masks a fear of death.

Death is not to be feared, but our particular judgment is. That is a difference worth considering. Everyone has died, except for Moses and Elijah. Perhaps Enoch did not die either. But, even Adam and Eve died, as did Our Lady, although she did not "see corruption" as she was too pure, the new, real Eve.

Joseph died, David died, Padre Pio died, John Paul II died. Someday, the wonderful and loved Pope Emeritus will die. Someday, I shall die.

These are facts. The fact of death is fearful only is one is not prepared. Yes, satan does tempt people at death, even saints, but praying for a happy, holy death is something we should do daily.

This prayer is part of the Hail Mary.

I am concerned about people who fear death. If one does not face death, one will pretend one is immortal. So many young people think they are immortal. This idea is dangerous.

It is time for priests to begin to preach about death and the four last things again. We all need to hear and be reminded of death.

For those who are holy and die in holiness, death is the beginning of eternal life.