Saturday 5 July 2014

Do Not Engage

For those code-breakers, who read the series earlier this year, I want to add some ideas to the breaking of the codes of sins in families.

Number one; deal with the sin in yourself first. I wrote this before, but it is the first stage and the first necessary step. 

Two, once you are free of the code, or if you have married into a family which needs a code broken, ask for the ability to see the sin clearly when it rears up.

Three, do not engage in the sins of the code. For example, if the entire family is sitting around the bar-b-que speaking negatively or going over years of unfogiveness, do not get sucked into the vortex of these patterns. Ask God for wisdom as to how to avoid such sin.

Four, gently point out the problem to those who may be open to changing. For example, in one group I know, people speak ill of the dead, even those long dead. I tried to change the subject and said, merely, “We should not speak ill of the dead.”

The conversation stopped, thankfully, but one person may have been upset with me for saying this.

Five, if necessary sadly, the code-breaker may have to avoid certain situations and just pray and fast, instead of engaging in social gatherings, or in conversations on the phone with those stuck in the codes of sin.

See the rest of the series for more…