Friday 11 July 2014

Go to Mary

Reading St. John Vianney’s sermons makes one realize that one is either a Servant of God or a Servant of Satan.

There is no middle ground. Either one thinks like God or one will think like the devils.

Why is it that we all kid ourselves into thinking there is a middle course, the course of just getting by, or tolerating evil and not doing enough for God?

Why is it that we excuse ourselves by saying that Catholicism is just “too hard’ and that people just are not good enough to be Catholics?

The problem is simply a lack of faith in the sufficient grace from God. So many Catholics never think about grace, or God’s Presence in this very moment, as you read these words.

In the last several months, I have written how I have found so many Americans are asleep, not facing the real world of decay and imminent tyranny. So many Catholics are worse than asleep. They are spiritually dead.

The wealth and ease of American life are two causes for this death-the stronger belief in the American utopia, rather than the Kingdom of God is endemic here.

St. John Vianney reminds us that those who are steeped in sin no longer love the Blessed Mother. He reminds us that those who have recourse to Mary will not be damned.

Several saints write that the love of the rosary is a sign of predilection.

If one has strayed from being a Servant of God and finds themselves a Servant of Satan, go to Mary. She will lead you to God.

St. John Vianney writes, “Now then, my dear brethren, why should not we imitate thes great Saints who obtained so many graced from Mary to preserve them from sin? Have we not the same enemies to fight, the same Heaven to hope for? Yes, Mary always has her eyes upon us. Do we suffer temptations? Let us turn our hearts towards Mary and we shall be delivered.”

If it is too hard to be a Catholic, turn to Mary.