Wednesday 23 July 2014

On Prayers Against Demons

Father Chad Ripperger has many talks on his site, which I have featured here many times on this blog.

He also has begun both the group called Auxilium Christianorum, found here at and the Third Order, The Society of The Most Sorrowful Mother, found here,

Now, if you have a spiritual director, ask that priest first before joining. If you do not, just write to the website and inquire.

There is much confusion about the use of prayers against demons. One may pray for one's self and one's family. That is it. Lay people cannot pray over others for deliverance or pray at healing Masses. Only priest exorcists can do this.

However, parents and husbands have authority in families, as would a single mom or a mom whose husband is not taking authority over a situation.

For example, if a child decides to break away from some habit of evil and goes to confession, the parents should encourage that decision and take the child to confession. A parent who is blinded by sin may disagree with the other parent, but the duty of the parent who sees the sin is to help the child break out of that habit.

Therefore, authority is given to both parents, to husbands and then to wives.

Husbands are the spiritual leaders of the family, but if a husband neglects his duty, the wife must lead if there are children.

Too many husbands abdicate their priestly role in the family.

Too many wives give in to unbelieving or disobedient husbands.

We can never cooperate with evil.

Sometimes women are afraid to confront husbands and sometimes husbands are afraid to confront a wife about sin.

God gave husband and wife to each other to lead each other to heaven.

If the road to perfection seems particularly rocky in a family, perhaps there are blockages.

The Auxilium Christianorum can help.

The Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother is another possibility in the Third Order.

Please consider these groups if there are blockages in your self or family.