Wednesday 23 July 2014

Reading Newman Again and The Road to Perfection

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman notes that if one wants to be perfect, there are some possible routes.

The first is study. For those with an intellectual bent, the study of the teachings of the Church, the Fathers of the Church and the Councils can lead one to perfection, as the mind informs the soul and natural wisdom moves into infused wisdom.

The second way is through believing everything the Church teaches without understading. This is a position of humility and most people would fall into this category.

But, the key to perfection in Newman, as in all those I have read on the subject, is obedience, complete obedience to Church Teaching.

Newman also notes that if one is not working on perfection, cooperating with grace, suffering, that person will not be saved in the end.

Sounds familiar, does it not?

From Parochial and Plain Sermons, vol. i (1888), p. 114


The Via Media of the Anglican Church vol i (1888) pp 135-136

People, we do not have time. Do not put off the dedication to the way of perfection.

Newman warned of individualism and subjectivism in the Anglican Church. He saw the dangerous emphasis on feeling from the Evangelicals. He predicted all the problems the Anglican Church faces today.

It will melt away into paganism.