Friday 25 July 2014

Where Are The Men of The West?

What happened?

How is it that Catholic men have forgotten that to fight evil is to FIGHT evil? Do people think that evil is going to just go away and leave us Catholics alone? Do people do not realize that satan hates the Church and has legions of people under him on earth who hate the Church?

There are three ways to fight evil. In this post, I address men

These are by joining a monastery, becoming a priest, or becoming a Church Militant layman.

The first group prays and fasts continually for the Church. These second group administers the sacraments on the spiritual battlefield. The third group takes the initiative and spreads the Gospel among people, and sometimes, actually fights.

For a baptized male, there are no other choices. One cannot shirk one's call to the Church Militatnt

We have now, three generations of peter pans, narcissists and passive men who would not fight a crusade if it landed on their doorsteps.

The emasculation of men began a long time ago, particularly in the 19th century, and in the early 20th century, when Catholic men stopped fighting evil.

There are evil people in this world. Women and children need defending. The Catholic Church needs defending.

Where are the real Men of the West? Are they cowering in fear? Just wait--it will get worse.

Has the day come when the bravery of the Men of the West has failed?

We have two feast days in the Catholic Church celebrating victories over evil.

September 12th and October 7th.

Think on your ancestors, Men of the West.
