Tuesday 12 August 2014

Sober Thoughts Today

"Cocaine is God’s way of telling you you are making too much money.” Robin Williams, 1951-2014

Catholics do not talk enough about drugs and alcohol addictions. Where I come from, it is a hush-hush subject. Families refuse to face the fact that a member is a drug addict or an alcoholic. Catholics rarely, if ever, hear from the pulpit, the dangers of such lifestyles.

Remember, satan does not care how you get to hell, just that you do.

I am glad I am too poor to be tempted to buy either drugs or alcohol. I have given up all alcoholic drinks for intercessory prayer and fasting for two members of my family. I suggest you consider this. I do not, thank God, have an addictive personality. My sins lie in other areas.

Apparently, according to statistics, 60% of Americans exhibit "addictive personalities."

But, we must address addiction as sinful behavior. Addictions lead to death of the body and death of the soul.

It is time for the priests in the pulpit to address these destructive temptations.

Suicide leaves us with a feeling of loss and lack of peace, a great sorrow.

I pray that those who are addicted find peace and freedom in Christ.

Say a prayer for Robin Williams and his family today. May God have mercy on him.

Pray also for all those who may be in despair today and tempted to suicide. Kyrie eleison.