Tuesday 19 August 2014

Hand in Your Man Card, Dude--Two

Having received amazing feedback on the first post with this title, I am sharing some of the insights from various readers, some of whom ask me not to publish their comments. But, I can share general input.

One, there are many men who married or married into families with "Man-Eaters". These men struggle with the balance of loving their wives and having to deal with sisters-in-laws and cousins who basically hate men.

Why has this happened?

Two, some men's wives "wake-up" and either move away from families, see them less or totally drop those who are attempting to undermine the marriage. Yes, that is what it is. These families see the husbands as threats to the Man-Eater Kingdoms.

Three, some wives suffer watching their husbands deal with this in the husband's families. In some cases, the M-E syndrome is inherited through certain ethnic groups, such as the Italians or Irish. Where there have been matriarchies in cultures, there seems to be Man Eaters.

Four, only God and the power of the Holy Spirit can heal, even deliver, these women from such hatreds. These feelings are connected to the rebelliousness of modern women and to ancient sins of witchcraft and disobedience.

Five, some men have said they did not know the families were going to demand handing in the man card until after the marriage.

Why did that happen? Where was the man's discernment?

Six, contraception and abortion are connected to the Man-Eater syndrome.

Seven, these men do not know what to do.

Well, when in doubt, go to your local priest, get a spiritual director, pray and fast.

I did not realize how common this syndrome was across generational lines. I thought it was a relatively new phenomenon. Not so, I am finding out.

I come from a family of dominant men and obedient wives. The men in the family on both sides definitely were and are in charge. None of my friends are the type to demand the emasculation of their husbands. On the contrary, most of my married friends and cousins, and so forth, support their husbands, sacrifice for them, and are excellent wives.

 One cannot underestimate the sins which are connected to the Man-Eater syndrome. I shall pray for those who ask for prayers and pray for young men not to marry such women. These women break up families on purpose.

maybe, to be continued...