Wednesday 27 August 2014

How To Prepare for Martyrdom Part Two

May I continue with the previous post, adding to the list, a list I pray I can implement with God's graces?

Eighteen, pray daily for final perseverance. The Hail Mary is a good start, "pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death..."

Nineteen, accept the sufferings God decides to give you humbly, rather than looking for other types. God knows what you need.

Twenty, be realistic that things are going to get a lot worse, a lot. Realize that God does not spare Christians when He punishes those who hate Him.

Twenty-one, know that patience comes from humility.

Twenty-two, never, never compare yourself with someone else in holiness, and never, never say, "Why me?" but  "Why not me?"

Twenty-three, learn to think like a member of the Church Militant. Never rest, never go "off guard".
Be alert and know that discernment allows one to know when one has to be a martyr and when one does not. Prudence is the mark of a saint.

Twenty-four, be devoted to Our Lady of Sorrows.