Sunday 3 August 2014

On Angels and Humans

Some people have shared with me that they see their guardian angels. Some have experienced the presence of the guardian angels. Some have seen the results of those angels' "works", such as a miraculous intervention in a car accident or some other disaster.

Some people have been awakened in the middle of the night for no apparent reason to discover a small fire, without smoke or scent, which could have become larger and killed them.

Some people have told me that they have seen angelic beings in dreams, with advice on a problem.

And, so on.

St. Padre Pio spoke with his angels. He is a great saint.

But, to those who have not experienced the care of their angels, I share this advice from St. Bernard of Clarivaux. Are you praying? Are you chaste? In Sermon Seven, this saint interprets the "princes of Judah" in the Psalms as the angels who rejoice when a good man strives for perfection.

Bernard, like Christ, has harsh words for those who are lukewarm. The angels come to those who praise God, as that is their main role. Bernard notes, "Whoever offers praise, his sacrifice honors me."

As we draw closer to God, through meditation, through active and, hopefully, finally, passive contemplation, we may be more aware of the angels.

They shrink from those in mortal sin, grieving at the death of the soul. They rejoice in the operations of grace in the soul.

Bernard humble states that he is helped in his spiritual life by those good men around him striving for perfection, and by the holy angels. He is also helped by the Church Triumphant, those saints in heaven who intercede for all of us.

Do not spurn your guardian angel. Move away from lukewarmness and repent of wasting grace.

We are surrounded by good angels.