Sunday 31 August 2014

See How They Love One Another

The pagans became Christians for three reasons: one, they heard the apostles and disciples preach, and were touched by grace.

Two, they were sick of the decadence around them and the Gospel truly was and is "good news".

Three, because they saw the difference between how the pagans acted toward each other and how the Christians loved each other.

One cannot be nice or good without God, and one cannot grow in virtues, gain merit, love without Christ.

What I have been witnessing for the past two years is the lack of love among Catholics.

Catholics have become their own worst enemy...why?

There are many reasons for the lack of love, the first being gross egotism and narcissism. The self-centered Catholics cannot love, and only want to use people for their own gains.

Another reason is false religion, or the religion of the Pharisees, which is the use of religion to attain jobs, glory, fame, attention.

The main reason is the lack of real conversion. Those who love Christ will love others and those who do not love Christ cannot love others.

Simple, really.

The immigrant Catholic Church in America was healthier than this middle-class Church, which does not love, only conforms. There is such conformity in Great Britain as well.

One reason why Catholics are not successful in evangelization is the lack of love, of sacrifice.

Who can stand back and say "See how they love one another!"