Sunday 17 August 2014

STM Plea

The school year is about to begin. 132 diocesan educational systems have accepted this pernicious plan.

If you are in one of those dioceses, do not send your child to those schools.

I cannot express strongly enough the dangers of the government being in control of both your child's entire educational career and life choices through the database.

So, if you want your child taken out of a class which teaches ssm and other anti-Catholic stands, your child will be "flagged" in the database forever.

ACT is now the official testing group for the CC, and so if your child takes the ACT, he is in the database forever.

The CC is an effort to change Catholic education in the United States.

Your souls, parents, and your children's souls are at risk. I am convinced this imposed curriculum with turn your own children against you and your Faith.

I have warned you for months and months. Basta.