Thursday 7 August 2014

The Beauty of God Comes Suddenly Upon Us

I rarely ask for signs. I want to use the virtues of faith, hope and love, which do not demand signs. Several months ago, I was feeling particularly weak and I did ask for three signs. I did receive two out of the three, one immediately and one within a short period of time.

Today, God gave me a sign without me asking for one. It was almost by accident. A friend of mine was showing me his West Point ring and I burst into tears, Me, the INTJ, as God moved my heart to see something in this small gesture.

I do not need to give the details, but this sign brings to close the three signs, although it was not the one I had asked to see. God is more detailed, more considerate, more gentle then we can imagine. the Beauty of God comes suddenly upon us, if we but have eyes to see.

For over a year, pieces of a puzzle in my life have been put together to show part of a larger picture. It will be a lovely picture when it is finished. I think one reason why God does not answer some prayers, is to exercise our faith. We are changed in prayer, our discernment becomes clearer, our hearts purer.

Prayer which is answered has been in the plan of Divine Providence for all times.

Prayer which is not answered has been in the plan of Divine Providence for all times.

For those with faith, every day brings signs and wonders of God's love to us.  The more we become like little children, the more we see the simple things in a great pattern of love.