Saturday 23 August 2014

The Time of Mercy

For many decades, the world has experienced a time of mercy, with excellent popes and some solid teaching. At the same time, the Church has been weakened from within.

This time of mercy is coming to an end. God will not tolerate the cries of the aborted babies or the martyrs around the world.

One of my friends today said he hoped Jesus would return soon. But, I cautioned him, stating that we should be glad for this time of mercy.

I want to ask my readers some questions:

Are you going to regular, even weekly Confession?

Are you learning the Faith now and not procrastinating?

Are you bringing your family members who are lapsed Catholics or lazy Catholics back to reality about their baptismal promises?

Are you teaching your children, your spouse, the truths of the Catholic Church?

Soon, many places will be without priests, without the sacraments, without Mass.

What are you doing at the end of the time for mercy?