Saturday 16 August 2014

Turn In Your Man Card, Dude

I have been discussing with young men the problem of "bossy women".  One gave me this phrase, which he and his buddies use when they encounter women who want to be in charge in their lives. The problem is not merely that some women are "bossy" or "strong". The problem is that of a deep underlying sin, the primordial sin of disobedience and rebellion.

These men do not want to "hand in their man card", but they want girlfriends, or wives. They want to "get along" with women, so they compromise, not speak the truth, back down from confrontation.

Some countries have been matriarchies for centuries, and some men from those cultures have handed in their man cards for centuries, leaving chaos to run in families. Such chaos is passed down from generation to generation.

Handing in the man card may mean wanting children but giving in to contraception when the wife does not want children. Or it may mean not correcting the fiancee who wants to use the Name of the Lord in vain. Or it may mean letting the woman work outside the home when it is not necessary, instead of home schooling.

And so on. Guys tell me that they hate conflict. They do not want to point out problems, but live peaceful lives, plopping on the coach after work with a beer and wanting domestic "peace".

Unless the man keeps his man card and is the real priest in the family, leading the family in prayer and the rosary, making sure everyone gets to Mass and so on, he will be blamed.

Note that the Church teaches that Original Sin is the Sin of Adam. Why? He handed in his man card.

I am convinced that some of the evil behind "bossy" women is much more sinister than at first seen. Witchcraft in the family can cause such rebellion, as can the sin of abortion.

Men, please do not turn in you man card for a life of ease. God will judge you on that, as He did Adam.