Saturday 23 August 2014

Yes, Yes, Yes

Two readers wrote to me that they use my postings for children's groups (manners and virtue training) and for adult catechesis (perfection series).

Please feel free the print off anything and use it. I only ask that if you use the short stories and poems, the novellas and plays, that you give me credit as the fictional author, as I am trying to get some of these published in hardbound at this time.

But, the commentaries on Scripture, the personal meditations and posts, please use. That is why these are here-for the building of the Kingdom of God. The meditations on Scripture are from my own prayer time, mostly, unless a source is given.

God has blessed me with so much, the five loaves and two fish, that to share is a joy and a necessity.

Go for it and you do not have to ask.

Most of the references I use are either on line or easily found as well. I have provided links to sources for all things.