Monday 8 September 2014

Being in schism means not holding the teachings of the Church

Here is something you can do about this: WRITE!

At 1:37 PM -0400 9/6/14, Bob Marshall wrote:


This letter was Faxed today to the Apostolic Delegate who holds Ambassador rank from the Vatican to the United States.
Please share it as you wish.
Delegate Bob Marshall

September 6, 2014
H. E. Most Rev. Archbishop Carlo Vigano
Apostolic Nuncio
3339 Massachusetts Avenue N W
Washington, DC 20008

Your Excellency Archbishop Vigano:
New York's Cardinal Dolan, appointed as Grand Marshal of the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Parade praised the decision to allow an openly gay group to march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. ''I have no trouble with the decision at all ...  I think the decision is a wise one.'' 
His action leaves many Catholics, including elected officials like myself, puzzled and disheartened when we measure Cardinal Dolan's new policy with his predecessor, John Cardinal O'Connor.

In 1993, when GLBT groups and government officials demanded that openly homosexual groups be included in the Parade, Cardinal O'Connor vowed in a St. Patrick's Day sermon that he "could never even be perceived as compromising Catholic teaching."  "Neither respectability nor political correctness is worth one comma in the Apostles Creed."  (New York Times, 1/20/93)
At that time, the New York Times also noted that, "The Hibernians and Cardinal O'Connor have said there is no place for a gay contingent in the parade because it is a Catholic event and the church teaches that homosexual acts are sinful."
Yet, Cardinal Dolan claimed, "Neither my predecessors as archbishops of New York nor I have ever determined who would or would not march in this parade," adding that "the parade would be a source of unity for all of us."  (NYTimes 9/3/14)
Would Cardinal Dolan, as Parade Marshal, applaud the inclusion of Irish abortion clinic owners or Planned Parenthood employees in a Parade honoring Saint Patrick?  On what logical grounds does he applaud openly GLBT marchers and reject openly pro abortion Catholics, including some "Catholic" nuns?

Perhaps organizations which advocate to legalize prostitution and pornography should also be permitted to march?  What about promoters of euthanasia for the elderly and disabled or advocates of physician assisted suicide?  Where does Cardinal Dolan draw the line?

The St. Patrick's Day Parade sponsored by the Irish Catholic Ancient Order of Hibernians under the auspices of and with the blessing of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York, is not a purely secular event, despite the fact that secular politicians participate. It honors a Catholic saint who converted pagans to the Faith and away from immoral behavior.

Promoters of homosexual behavior take part in many "gay pride" marches and parades, but these are not events sponsored by the Catholic Church or a Catholic organization.  Therein lies the problem.
Same sex "marriage" advocates say they feel marginalized by the Church, yet the Church has been very clear that it is a hospital for sinners, and no one is sinless. Jesus saves us from being "marginalized" by our sin, so long as we seek Him and seek to do His will.

Everyone who rejects God's word, or who ignores or violates the Ten Commandments (and we all guilty of that) feels "marginalized" at times, but we don't re-write the Commandments to make us feel less marginalized.
News reports indicate that NBC which televises the Parade, New York's Mayor, Guinness Brewery and others were pressuring the Parade sponsors to include openly GLBT groups. Choosing money over truth is never a good choice.

This situation is not about judging individual souls. God loves all his children, and fortunately He is the only one who can judge men's hearts, but we live in a world of actions that have individual, social and legal consequences.

Equality of persons is not the same as equality of behavior. What message does Cardinal Dolan's decision give? The U.S. Supreme Court is considering whether to hear challenges to state laws allowing only one-man, one woman marriage.  Cardinal Dolan's statement and actions here are most untimely.

I grew up in Washington DC, worked in Congress for six years, have been privileged to serve the people of Virginia as a member of the Virginia General Assembly since 1992, was chief co-sponsor of the 2006 Virginia Marshall-Newman, voter approved one-man, one woman Marriage Amendment, and pro life legislation. I have overridden Governors of Virginia on abortion and GLBT issues, beat the ACLU in federal court on pornography prohibitions, and in 2008 won a precedent setting law suit overturning a tax law supported and defended in court by the Governor, Attorney General and Speaker.

I know from a lifetime in and around politics that federal judges and Members of Congress read newspapers. They are influenced by the actions of moral leaders. They gauge what they can "get away with" by what Catholic prelates "tolerate."

We do our brothers and sisters no service by pretending that God's teaching or the "Laws of Nature and Nature's God" are not important today. No one can change Natural Law or the Word of God, written in the blood of Our Savior for our wellbeing and redemption.

I haven't talked to one Catholic who thinks that what Cardinal Dolan did was prudent or helpful in defending the Faith, marriage or morals. Converts, especially, are distressed.

Some contemporary American Catholics falsely think that "tolerance" is exercised by maintaining indifference towards ideas, opinion or even error, or holding that all points of view are equal. For a Church authority to embrace political correctness at such a time will have consequences which extend far beyond the parade route.

Cardinal Dolan's actions will make enacting legislation in conformity with the Natural Law immeasurably harder to defend especially for lay Catholics or Catholic legislators.

Please pass my letter on to the appropriate Church officials.  Thank you.  You can contact me at 703-853-4213,,,  or

Delegate Bob Marshall