Friday 19 September 2014

More FYI My World--New World Order Sneaking Up

Leading the charge to create the new global tax regime is the Group of 20 (G-20), a coalition of governments and brutal dictatorships that are in the process of building what virtually every major media outlet recently described as a “New World Order.” Top officials in the outfit, which includes the ruthless Communist regime ruling mainland China, among other barbaric autocracies, publicly announced a plot in recent years to share financial data and more on all citizens with each other. The goal, for now: extract as much wealth as possible.


To implement what critics call their nightmarish vision of a “World Tax Organization” — supposedly aimed at stopping tax evasion — the G-20 asked the United Nations-linked Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to take the lead. The widely criticized “cartel” of tax-hungry politicians, infamous primarily for fanatical efforts to crush national sovereignty and for bullying jurisdictions with relatively low taxes into surrendering their competitive advantage, is now working to develop the taxation regime and prod its member governments into adopting it.

Meanwhile, the inspiration and model for the global information-sharing scheme, OECD bosses admit, is FATCA. “A key catalyst for automatic exchange of information and the on-going OECD work has been the FATCA legislation enacted by the United States in 2010,” the international outfit said last year in a brief, adding that the plot also has the ardent support of central bankers and G-20 regimes. In fact, the brief explains, FATCA pseudo-treaties between the Obama administration and foreign governments — unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution, critics say — will even serve as the “model” and “template” for the global regime.

According to a brief by the OECD, among the data that governments would share with each other as part of the “automatic exchange of information” (AEOI) regime are various categories of income, changes of address, purchase or sale of property, and more. Of course, the scheme turns American traditions and constitutional protections upside down. Instead of being secure in one’s house, papers, and effects without a warrant and probable cause, governments and autocrats around the world will be free to rifle through citizens’ most sensitive information at will. Hackers, criminals, and identity thieves, among others, might also be able to access the data, opponents warn. 

The plot to abolish financial privacy and national independence in tax policy will also be expensive, although the taxpayer-funded bureaucrats at the OECD — whose salaries are not taxed — do not seem to care. “What we are doing is to develop a single standard that will be compatible with national and regional systems — there will be only one way of collecting and exchanging information,” continued Saint-Amans. “That will cost something, but it is the price to pay to be free from suspicion of complicity in fiscal fraud.”

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