Wednesday 17 September 2014

Natural Law and Parents

The world is fast becoming sub-human, which the Church has always said is the result of sin. Sin first, paganism and abnormal behavior follow.

Unless parents actually take responsibility, and help form the children's consciences, they will be held responsible for the reactions which we see.

One thing parents who are Catholic do not seem to understand is that they are the primary teachers of religion, not teachers, nuns, priests in schools or parishes.

Natural law is a teaching of the Church. One cannot ignore this teaching. Natural law philosophy is tied to the concept of Divine Providence, that God put into humans the knowledge of right and wrong.

We have lost the gift of thinking philosophically and are now immersed in the lowest nature of humanity-the senses.

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning who reminded me that "ordinary" Christians in the Fourth Century, walking down the street of Rome or Hippo, could stop and discuss philosophy, teaching heard on Sunday, (sermons were an hour long normally), and have rational discourse, as they were trained in logic and debate.

No one cares to discuss ideas.

Here are some ideas.

Parents need to teach the children not only Catholic teaching, but the philosophy underlining the religion of Catholicism.

I suggest a reading of the CCC to begin with and then an easy introduction to Thomas Aquinas.

Our generation knows how to find out things that people want to know. Looking up things on line is easy.

Please consider your own soul...and those of your children.