Wednesday 17 September 2014

New Prey for the Greedy Part Two

One of the ways the elderly are manipulated by some Western nations is through fear. Now, old people who have not developed a strong interior life are subject to fear; fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of loneliness, fear of more suffering, fear of abandonment.

But, the media presses these fears into the subconscious. I cannot believe the amount of medical ads on the msm, on cable.

I cannot believe the number of ads which create fear in communities.

Sadly, many old people watch television and these people are prey for the medical industry.

I wrote many months ago on the need for the elderly to face suffering, face death.

Old age is the time for the development, the growth of the interior life. The exterior life should be slowly down, leaving time for prayer, meditation, contemplation.

Help those elderly in your lives to be real, not to run away and not to fall into fear, which is being marketed daily.

All old people have lived through many times of peace and chaos. They all should have our automatic respect.

Talk to elderly people about their stories. Help them respect themselves so that they do not fall prey to fear.

If you have not read these posts, please do.

and another few posts connected somewhat...