Wednesday 17 September 2014

New Prey for the Greedy

The elderly have been ignored and almost hated in American culture. The way we treat our elderly is a direct result of the cult of youth, and the decay of Christian values.

No longer is wisdom or acquired virtue valued.

And, the society in America actually preys on the elderly in several ways.

First of all, I have learned over the past eleven months here that the old are prey to the medical community. Many, many tests and procedures, which are not necessary, are presented as such through fear.

The fear of death and suffering causes many elderly people get a list of tests which our ancestors, who lived to be old as well, did not even dream of in their imaginations.

I am convinced that some in the medical profession push tests only for money, or out of the fear of being sued.

Second, television aims at making old people afraid to that they feel the need to buy more and more sophisticated security systems. The statistics do not match the amount of advertising.

Third, old people are made to feel guilty is they think they need others to help them. A false sense of independence means that families are not aware of many things their old parents or grandparents may be facing, but keeping quiet, so as "not to be a bother."

Fourth, old people do not feel welcomed in society, being pushed away into old people groupings and entertainments. One old person said to me, "I do not want to just be around old people."


Catholics should not be putting their A.Ps in retirement homes or imagine that old widows and widowers can cope on their own. I know too many old people who are living alone in desperate loneliness.

If an A.P. has a need for intense medical care, of course, other arrangements should be make. But, I ask all readers to stop and think about the elderly they know. Have you visited them regularly? Do you know their needs? Have you listened to their stories?

A culture which marginalizes the old is not a civilization.

to be continued...