Tuesday 23 September 2014

St. Padre Pio' s Suffering

Padre Pio suffered much in his life. He was not allowed to say public Mass or hear confessions for many, many years.

But, another one of his sufferings was the attribution of prophecies which he never said or wrote concerning the end times.

The author Desmond Birch did research into the supposed prophecy of St. Pio on the three days of darkness.  What he discovered is that Padre Pio never referred to this either in speech or in writing. The Capuchin Order is also on record for saying that this reference on the three days of darkness was never made by St. Pio.

The book for this information is here Trial, Tribulation, & Triumph.

We all know that there is a lot of false information on the Net.

If something is not authenticated by Holy Mother Church, it is not to be considered authentic.

Our safety is in the Church. And, remember, the prophecies of saints are not doctrine, dogma or infallible, and are open to interpretation.

It is interesting that some of those who hold with the false attribution of this prophecy to Padre Pio are also in disobedience regarding Bayside, which has not only been not approved, but condemned as not being from God. One reason I do not follow the priest, Fr. Gruner, who is suspended from his own diocese, is that he supports Bayside.

One is either an obedient Catholic or not. A reminder:

I, the undersigned Diocesan Bishop of Brooklyn, in my role as the legitimate shepherd of this particular Church, wish to confirm the constant position of the Diocese of Brooklyn that a thorough investigation revealed that the alleged "visions of Bayside" completely lacked authenticity.
...Therefore, in consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I hereby declare that:
1. No credibility can be given to the so-called "apparitions" reported by Veronica Lueken and her followers.
2. The "messages" and other related propaganda contain statements which, among other things, are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, undermine the legitimate authority of bishops and councils and instill doubts in the minds of the faithful, for example, by claiming that, for years, an "imposter (sic) Pope" governed the Catholic Church in place of Paul VI. 
 November 4, 1986