Thursday 18 September 2014

The Beginning of The Suffering Seasons

According to experts on asthma, Syracuse, NY, is supposed to be a city with some of the lowest pollen counts in America. Now, this is interesting. Currently, I am about four hours north of this city, but having, now that we have had the first frost, asthma attacks.

The cold brings on asthma for me and this condition, apparently, takes two allergens to send one into an attack. Mold is another huge factor for causing asthma, as is smoke, such as that from bonfires and cigarettes.

So, where does a Midwesterner live to avoid asthma? I have shared with friends that I do not have asthma in Ireland, England, Malta, or other European countries by the sea. I do not have asthma in California by the sea, where I lived for almost two years (Ventura), nor did I have asthma living near the sea in Mississippi, when I was right on the Gulf. But, Mississippi has lots of mold, like here, because of the forests.

Forests and forest fires are irritants big are cockroaches, mice and rats. Basically, inner cities prove to be not good places for asthmatics. A person who is poor cannot control even an inner enviroment. That is a problem I have, as I am never in charge of heat or air conditioning. Some asthmatics actually have to stay inside most of the day. That is like being in prison and I have great sympathy for such sufferers.

Another trigger for me are "plug-ins" and air fresheners. Also, on the known trigger list for me are scented candles. One doctor told me not to have lots of pictures on the wall, as dust mites cause asthma. Who normally dusts behind pictures? That was good advice when I had my own house

Here is a snippet from a page on asthma.

Asthma alleviates near Ocean: The perfect climate for an asthma patient would be near the ocean with high humidity, having low levels of air pollution and pollen, and free of irritants like cigarette smoke. People who live by the ocean side have lesser instances of asthma attacks. The ocean air is humid and it also contains nano particles of salt. Inhaling this salty air has curative effects on asthma, and prevents its symptoms from occurring. If you suffer from wheezing, just be sitting on the ocean beach will bring you relief.

Places with constant climate are also better places for asthmatics. Extreme changes of hot and cold may be another irritant. 

Exhaustion is a common side effect of asthma, as one cannot breath properly, has broken sleep, and coughing causes fatigue.

Pray I can move back near the ocean. It is only half-way through September and I am very tired.