Tuesday 21 October 2014

Our Lord Freed Us from This


Women wearing a face veil in public may be fined up to €150 (£120) and compelled to attend citizenship classes. Anyone forcing others to cover their faces may be fined up to €30,000 (£23,750), or double that amount if the woman is under 18.
Most women who have breached the ban have simply been warned and few have been prosecuted.
Last year, a veiled woman stopped by police for an identity check was arrested after her husband allegedly attacked an officer. The incident sparked clashes between youths and police in two Paris suburbs.
If Muslims honor Mary, as some say they do. they must realize she appears all the time with her face showing. She is our example of freedom in God. Women were created to bring beauty into the world.
More countries should follow France.

Old article from Britain...http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/10402995/Most-Britons-want-full-face-veils-banned-in-all-public-places.html

I see men here in shorts and t-shirts and their ladies completely covered up in 80 degree weather.