Monday 13 October 2014

Thoughts from The Dark Night

Humility is the key to holiness. All the saints state this but most of us do not take this seriously. Even those great saints who did not seem prideful, like St. Alphonsus, the seitheraint of love, and St. Bernard, another saint of love, asked for and received humility.

Humility is not just the absence of pride. Of course, all pride must be destroyed, including pride of name, place, status, accomplishments and so forth. Even pride of family can be and is a huge obstacle to God's love.

Humility is knowing one's complete abjection in the sight of God. We are nothing but we think we are something.

Too many of us have not grown up with realistic views of ourselves. We either think we are better and more than we are or we think we are worse, but in a way not realistic with God's view of things and people.

God loves us, but His love is so beyond what we can imagine that we need to study the Gospels constantly, learning, believing that Christ shows us the Father.

Humility is knowing we are creatures and that we have no grace, no gifts, not even love , without God.

Total dependence, total realization of our inability to do or be anything but "damned".

Ask for and expect humility.